MPP is an innovative TV Production Factory born in Monza in early 2020, from the initiative of young entrepreneurs active in Media production for over a decade.
Thanks to the consolidated partnership with other players in the industry, MPP can rely on a network of organizational structures in Milan, Turin, Florence and Bari, covering all his customers requirements throughout the national territory.
The headquarter is divided in two location in Milan and Monza, where operations and connections with partners are managed.
The activities, depending on their nature and customers needs, are developed all over Italy and in neighboring countries Switzerland, Austria, France and Germany, for the most.

MPP, although its recent foundation, has already obtained important results: during 2022, we managed thousands services for our customers, thanks to a network of over 200 specialized collaborators all over Italy.
Among the performed activities there are studio tv production, outdoor productions, post-productions and troupe ENG; all mainly in sport and entertainment field
We have courage to reinvent ourself and change to find an ever-improving approach
We share internally our knowledge and experiences to provide our customers with the best solutions to their needs
Every team is built with different people and this differences are the value added that brings advantage to the whole group
This successes have been achieved thanks to a consolidated work methodology, to a long-time experience of our industry professionals and to the will to satisfy our customers needs.